Courtroom specialist


Welcome. If you are looking for a lawyer who will fight zealously and passionately for you in court, you’ve come to the right place. I believe that effective courtroom advocacy requires a blend of knowledge, passion and creativity.

I have appeared regularly before the Courts of Appeal across the country and the Supreme Court of Canada in the past years, as well as trial courts. I have authored the book “Dangerous Offender Law” published with LexisNexis.

I am called to the Yukon Bar, British Columbia Bar, and New York Bar. I am also called to the Québec Bar as a Canadian Legal Advisor. I will consider taking cases outside of these jurisdictions on an ad hoc basis.

I’ve represented clients facing murder charges, drug charges, fraud charges, dangerous offender proceedings, as well as less serious criminal charges. I’ve also represented clients in language rights cases, prison law, estate litigation, Charter litigation, education law, construction law, administrative law and civil litigation generally.

My specialty is arguing. And getting results for my clients.


R. v. Penunsi, 2019 SCC 39

In R. v. Penunsi, I intervened in the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of the Yukon Legal Services Society to explain the Northern reality to the country’s top court. The Court took the unusual step of letting me speak for more than double my allotted time.

CSf de la Colombie-Britannique c. Province de la Colombie-Britannique

In Commission Scolaire Francophone de la Colombie v. A-G of B.C., I intervened in the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of the Commission Nationale des Parents Francophones.